Green PI relocates and distributes the IoT services near the data source to increase the speed, mobility, resilience and sovereignty of massive, mobile and critical IoT applications.

Mobile & HD Connectivity

The Green PI solution is composed of IoE platforms providing connectivity to edge devices (sensors, servers, user devices, robots, etc.) through various interfaces. An IoE platforms connects automatically with other nearby IoE platforms to create a large scale wireless infrastructure. Green PI wireless infrastructure transfers high-throughput application traffic (e.g., videos) in real time over multiple wireless hops. Green Communications’ patented routing software ensures network robustness and Quality of Services (QoS) in both static and dynamic environments.

Edge Services

Green PI federates edge devices’ ressources to create a cloud distributed at the edge, an Edge Cloud. The Edge Cloud hosts content, applications and services locally, near end users and devices. Vicinity of users and servers enables low latency services with quick server response time for real time applications. Edge-based services can also evolve independently from a centralized cloud and an Internet connection.

Embeddability & Mobility

All the components of Green PI can move. The IoE platforms that create the infrastructure are in embedded format. They can be set on autonomous power supply (e.g., battery, solar panels) and/or integrated to mobile vehicles (drones, robots, car, etc.). The wireless network created by the platforms is dynamic and self-configuring. Users and edge devices connected to the IoE platforms can also move in the infrastructure without being disconnected nor disrupting edge services that are distributed in the network.


Green PI brings your IoT applications deep indoor, into tunnels, vessels, at sea and other isolated areas to perform video surveillance, fire or intrusion detections, maritime pollution monitoring, etc. The main market applications are: Defense, Public Safety, Security, Governments, Etc.

Green PI’s IoE platform can be battery powered and set as a transportable/wearable case. Or it can be integrated into a buoy and powered by solar panels. Thus, to be deployed in a minute and with no need for external resources into tunnels, buildings, vessels, and at sea for temporary or permanent IoT applications. Smart things (cameras, sensors, devices, etc.) connects to the IoE platform using various interfaces (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, 4G). The related IoT services and applications can be hosted locally on the Edge Cloud of the IoE platform. The Edge Cloud enables data correlation at source offering quick response time, high bandwidth, and resilience to Internet breakdown.  High level data generated at the Edge can be sent to a remote decision center via the IoE platform’s gateway or via the gateway of a nearby platform though robust device to device communication channel among Edges. Greater correlation capacity can be provided by federating multiple Edges deployed at different locations thanks to the scalable Internet of Edges (IoE) functionality of Green PI.

Use case example: Maritime Pollution Monitoring

Green PI connect fleets of moving things and provide them with shared intelligence for swarming, collaboration, and autonomous vehicles. The main market applications are: Transports & Logistics, Automotive, Defense, Public Safety, etc.

Green PI’s IoE platform can be integrated as a software or embedded as a module onto smart robots, drones, vehicles, and wearables. A group of smart things enabled by Green PI gets broadband device to device capabilities for fast and autonomous communications among the fleet. The fleet also share an Edge Cloud with edge-based applications with quick data synchronization for swarming, collaboration, etc.   Greater synchronization capabilities can be provided through the Internet of Edges of Green PI that federates multiple fleets located at different places.

Use-Case Example: Heterogeneous Swarm of Drones, Robots, Vehicles and Users.

Green PI provides a scalable edge-based solution for massive IoT applications. Thus, over multiple locations. The main market applications are: Healthcare & Telemedicine, Manufacturing, Utilities, Smart Cities, Etc.

Green PI connects various types of smart devices with its open IoE platform. If the amount of smart device is high and requires more coverage, one can deploy additional IoE platforms. These platforms will synchronize with each other and act as a single hotspot. IoT devices will be able to move from one platform to another seamlessly. Smart devices connected to Green PI’s IoE platforms share a common Edge Cloud. The Edge Cloud hosts critical applications and services near the data source to guarantee access, sufficient speed, quick response, resilience to Internet breakdown, and data privacy. Green PI offers the possibility to synchronize the Edge Clouds deployed at multiple locations to create an Internet of Edges. The Internet of Edges enables one to interact with any user, thing, and program of the  Internet of Edges like if they were located nearby.

Use Case Example: Smart Hospital and Telemedicine

A doctor located at his office can interact with patients and their sensors locates at home and a Surgeon from hospital A can interact with robots at Hospital B with a dedicated infrastructure and no data going to an external clouds.


  • Massive IoT
  • Internet of moving things
  • IoT in constrained environments



Green PI’s patented routing software transfers instant real time service’s traffic over 30 wireless hops (state-of-the-art <4). One may further extend Green PI’s footprint by federating multiple Edge Cloud creating an Internet of Edges (IoE).


Green PI offers 3 layers of security. 1) The network is WPA2/WPA3 encrypted in access and backhaul. 2) Edge services use TLS and HTTPS. 3) Remote access is provided through secure IP tunnels. Green PI is also open to third parties security service integration.


Green PI hosts data, applications and services locally, on its Edge Cloud, in order to be autonomous from an Internet connection. Edge-based application can evolve independently from a centralized cloud as well as interact with it.