Green Communications proposes a stand-alone Green PI network for the rapid set up of an Internet infrastructure with autonomous applications and services.

• Green PI Mobile Network is composed of:

  • A set of low power Mesh routers (YOI) to create a Green PI network
  • One YOI – 4G/LTE to connect Green PI to other networks
  • A set of batteries 10Ah for 20h autonomy of the system
  • Embedded applications and services (Voice and video over IP, chat, file storage, web, etc.) for autonomous work. …

• Use case example: 4G/LTE network extension

Within minutes, one can extend the coverage of a private LTE or a mobile 4G network inside buildings, tunnels or in remote areas by simply turning the YOI devices on. This sets a Green PI network up providing both local-based services (Video and voice over IP, chat, file storage, … ) and global Internet access through the YOI 4G/LTE.

• Low power Mesh router (YOI)

YOI (Your Own Internet) is an embedded Mesh router featuring 5W energy consumption. Each router comes with 2 Wi-Fi interfaces: one to create a network with other YOI, and the other to provide access to smartphones, tablets, laptops, or any other Wi-Fi device. YOI features a web server, so one can provide local content, services, and applications to the network. You may use YOI as gateway to the Internet. In this case, local traffic stays local and global traffic is sent across the gateway to the Internet. YOI router is equipped with a GreenSoft license.


  • 4G/LTE coverage extension
  • Emergency network
  • Connectivity for isolated areas
  • Private network


Green Communications delivers customized Green PI Mobile Networks with additional YOI, gateways, battery life and services upon request.


Solution: Mobile Networks


Video: Little Thumb Use Case


Use Case : Emergency Network


Video : Emergency Network