Green Communications is an innovative company founded in 2010, specializing in wireless networks and distributed systems. We are committed to addressing the multifaceted challenges of the internet, including rising traffic, mobility demands, and growing carbon footprints. To tackle these issues, we developed the Internet of Edges (IoE), a decentralized digital infrastructure. IoE consists of a grid of federated edge devices that share their resources, enabling locally hosted digital services with enhanced performance, resilience, and sovereignty. The development of IoE is the culmination of 20 years of research and development, including technology transfers from leading French institutions such as Sorbonne University, Paris-Saclay University, and CNRS.

We are pioneers in sustainable internet solutions

Carbon Footprint of Internet of Edges

Green Communications has conducted a study to evaluate the carbon footprint of cloud, edge and Internet of Edges solutions. The results reveal that bringing digital services closer to producers and consumers of data and connecting them directly to each other, can reduce the carbon footprint of digital communications by a factor of 16. Access the full report here: Carbon Footprint of Cloud, Edge and Internet of Edges

Publication of the book Edge Computing – Internet of Edges

What is the Internet of Edges? What are the benefits for users, enterprises, data security and carbon impact of IoT infrastructures? Can an Internet of Edges be a real alternative to centralized cloud? Green Communications answers all these questions in the book Edge Networking – Internet of Edges published by ISTE Group

The Company Benefits From a Large Base of Established Customers in the Field of Defense, Public Safety, Public Internet and Industrial IoT Sectors
Market Expansion

Starting experiments of IoE for healthcare and Industrial IoT applications.

Solar Powered IoE Showcased At Viva Technology

Green Communications showcases a solar powered public Internet and edge cloud station at Viva Technology 2018 trade show in partnership with Orange. The stand-alone station offers a public Wi-Fi hotspot with local (edge) digital services such as a Chat, a file sharing service, and a local web without any power supply but the sunlight! This is made possible thanks to the Low Power YOI device of Green Communications. Find more information here.

Swarm of Connected Drones using IoE

Green Communications solution of swarm of drones is awarded at Sofins, Outdoor Robotics National Competition 2017 and receives the seal of excellence by the European Commission.

Release of the Low Power YOI Product

The Low Power YOI is the unique Wi-Fi Mesh router featuring 5W energy consumption while competing solutions consume 15W average. Thus, giving Green Communications a significant competitive advantage in the mobility market and launching the Internet of Edges as leading solution for the low carbon impact Internet. Find more details here.

Article “Internet Deglobalization” Published by Le Monde

Find here Green Communications’ article “Internet Deglobalization” published in Le Monde newspaper and relayed by France Culture and Rue89.

Market Expansion

IoE enters the public Internet market.


Green Communications grows its team and expands its footprint in the Defense and Public Safety sectors.

Green Communications Raises Capital

Find more details here.

Winner of the EcoProduct Prize

Green Communications wins the business prize for the environment issued by the CCI Essonne, category EcoProduct.

First Sales of IoE Products
Creation of the Company

Funding Partners: Saclay University, Sorbonne University and, the CNRS.

First Research Results On Energy Saving
  • Ad hoc routing protocol integrating the energy consumption metric
  • Start and Stop of Internet routers