Green PI deployment in the city of Meaux in partnership with Orange.
As an answer to the traffic growth and Internet equipment saturation, a new Internet infrastructure becomes necessary. Based on people solidarity, the Participatory Internet is an innovative solution that copes with infrastructure overload.
Green PI, the Participatory Internet developed by Green Communications comes out for the first time in a shopping street during a city fair. Green PI is deployed thanks to the voluntary participation of merchants.
They provide visitors with Wi-Fi hotspots by simply displaying an Indoor YOI in the front window of their stores. In return, they get their own information emphasized with local content hosted directly inside the Indoor YOI.
The operation organized in concert with Orange, the City of Meaux and Green Communications takes place during “Meaux et Merveilles” fest from December 4, 2015 to January 5, 2016.
Find here more information about the “Meaux et Merveilles” program.